Adeola Naomi Aderemi is a Nigerian-Greek raised in Niger, Nigeria, and Greece and is currently living between west Africa and Western Europe.
Adeola is a multilingual, multi-local, and multi-format creative, scholar, policy analyst, yoga therapist, and holistic healer. She received her Masters of Science in Public Health at Birmingham City University, her master's thesis focuses on the socioeconomic impact of violence against women in Sub-Saharan Africa. All whilst working as a curator, yoga therapist, and editor in chief of Distinguished Diva. She has worked as a radio producer, program facilitator, model, curator, keynote speaker, fashion editor, and creative director for various European institutions and North American Institutions.
She is also a BS of speech and language therapy, and the founder of Warrior Woman, a rehabilitation program for displaced trauma survivors and has worked as a research assistant at Yale University.
Her work and activism focus on the intersection of politics, social justice, health equity, African LGBTQ rights, Black feminism, class, and race. Raising awareness on issues concerning Gender-Based Violence, human trafficking, gender equality, women's health, and equal representation for voices of women of African descent in the media.
She is currently working on her debut documentary film on the lives and lived experiences of Greeks of Africa descent (AfroGreek). She utilises the integration of holistic healing practices in policy places and modalities of care available on issues around Black women’s liberation, gender justice, women's health, and equal representation for voices of women of African descent in global media.
Her work as an artist and healer in various mediums has been featured in publications such as Women Under Siege, New York Times, Ms. Magazine, New Museum New York, Forbes, E-flux, Elle, and Vogue.
She is the founder and Editor-Chief of ‘Distinguished Diva’, a collective that fosters community building, communication, outreach, and global accessibility for women of African descent with a focus on telling and amplifying stories told by these women.
Her areas of expertise are gender justice, LGBTQI plus, Youth political participation, international development, Feminist governance and economy, AU-EU relations, Migration, and foreign policy. She has worked with the Council of Europe, Melissa Network, and MercyCorps as a trauma yoga therapist.
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Adeola is a multilingual, multi-local, and multi-format creative, scholar, policy analyst, yoga therapist, and holistic healer. She received her Masters of Science in Public Health at Birmingham City University, her master's thesis focuses on the socioeconomic impact of violence against women in Sub-Saharan Africa. All whilst working as a curator, yoga therapist, and editor in chief of Distinguished Diva. She has worked as a radio producer, program facilitator, model, curator, keynote speaker, fashion editor, and creative director for various European institutions and North American Institutions.
She is also a BS of speech and language therapy, and the founder of Warrior Woman, a rehabilitation program for displaced trauma survivors and has worked as a research assistant at Yale University.
Her work and activism focus on the intersection of politics, social justice, health equity, African LGBTQ rights, Black feminism, class, and race. Raising awareness on issues concerning Gender-Based Violence, human trafficking, gender equality, women's health, and equal representation for voices of women of African descent in the media.
She is currently working on her debut documentary film on the lives and lived experiences of Greeks of Africa descent (AfroGreek). She utilises the integration of holistic healing practices in policy places and modalities of care available on issues around Black women’s liberation, gender justice, women's health, and equal representation for voices of women of African descent in global media.
Her work as an artist and healer in various mediums has been featured in publications such as Women Under Siege, New York Times, Ms. Magazine, New Museum New York, Forbes, E-flux, Elle, and Vogue.
She is the founder and Editor-Chief of ‘Distinguished Diva’, a collective that fosters community building, communication, outreach, and global accessibility for women of African descent with a focus on telling and amplifying stories told by these women.
Her areas of expertise are gender justice, LGBTQI plus, Youth political participation, international development, Feminist governance and economy, AU-EU relations, Migration, and foreign policy. She has worked with the Council of Europe, Melissa Network, and MercyCorps as a trauma yoga therapist.
My holistic healing practice and approach to life draw on my knowledge of Yoruba culture, spirituality, and science to create therapeutic yoga programs for women's empowerment and healing from trauma and violence.
As I navigate the world in, with, and through a black woman's body, I know firsthand how we carry the trauma of gender-based discrimination, violence, and inequality. I use that knowledge and skills to help women find their own true selves as they embrace their past trauma and find the compassion to love themselves, flaws, and all and grow into their holistic wholeness.
As I navigate the world in, with, and through a black woman's body, I know firsthand how we carry the trauma of gender-based discrimination, violence, and inequality. I use that knowledge and skills to help women find their own true selves as they embrace their past trauma and find the compassion to love themselves, flaws, and all and grow into their holistic wholeness.
Find me on
Twitter: @AdeolaNAderemi
Instagram: @Adeola.naomi